The Visionary's Journey
Curious about manifesting? Learn how to re-center on your unique path, and manifest your true desires by transforming your spaces into Walk-In vision boards.
We gain insight from fellow Journeyers who are identifying their values, and from Visionaries who cross our paths. They share how they embody their values, how they translate them into physical spaces, and how they take action based on their values.
Life is a big experiment, and so is this show. We embrace imperfections and learn as we go.
16 episodes
Finding Creativity through Meditation w/ Zen Master Sebastian Rizzon
We explore the profound connection between meditation and artistic expression with Zen Master Sebastian Rizzon. Through his Zen Art Center he navigates the synergy between creativity and mindfulness, unveiling how they can be gateways to ...
Season 2
Episode 5

Unlock the Power of Intuition for Innovative Problem Solving
Bonus Audio for Creative Mornings Virtual Field Trip:Get Organized to Optimize Mess MakingWhat if you could transform your organizing journey fro...
Season 2
Episode 5

Feng Shui Enhancements for Successful Art Studios - with Kerri Miller
Unlock the transformative power of Western Feng Shui with Kerri Miller, expert in the art of energizing environments. This episode is for Artists preparing for Open Studios, and anyone seeking to elevate your creat...
Season 2
Episode 4

Actualizing 20 year old Visions for Creative Collaboration - with Val Bee
Ever dreamt of participating in a collaborative community of creatives? Enter Val Bee, the visionary Founder of BID Worldwide, who has embarked on a mission to build a
Season 2
Episode 2

Healing Perfectionism with Empathy - with Josh Martino and Natalie Egan
Have you ever gotten triggered and done something really embarrassing? I did... right after I hit publish on Season 1 Episode 9 - which was about embracing imperfections and rolling with intuition. When you listen to that episode, you c...
Season 2
Episode 1

The Original Vision + Interview with Artist JESSC.X - In Her Words Diary Takeover - Bonus
Hello Visionaries. This episode accompanies an art show going on Feb - April 2023 called Landscape of Our Minds at the Laconia Gallery in Boston, MA. The show is curated by Yolanda He Yang who founded our artist collective,
Season 111
Episode 1

How Jumping into Podcasting Led Emily Falcigno to an Unexpected Career Path
In the beginning of this Season, I had no idea how to create a podcast. I learned by doing, had a lot of help, and improved my process along the way. Not only in podcasting, but in following my intuition to a new career path. This e...
Season 1
Episode 9

Dr. Deb Peretz, PhD Guides Us on Our Life Paths using Karmic Astrology
“Why Are We Here?” Karmic Astrology Business Coach, Dr. Deb Peretz PhD, has the answer: “To learn our life lessons.” I have a ton of questions, like “How do we know what our lessons are?” Listen carefully to ...
Season 1
Episode 8

Shaman Durek's tip on How to Connect Better so you can Amplify Love - S1 Bonus
I am sharing a Bonus episode with a message from Shaman Durek. I read his book Spirit Hacking recently and he talks about how we need to connect better with our fellow humans so we can...
Season 1
Episode 7

Deborah McDuff Williams Teaches Us the Benefits of Living in Community
In this episode, you’ll hear a variety of topics from art to diversity to living in community, to maintaining good relationships.You’ll hear about Deborah’s art-ivism, her muses, and her process. Her artwork spotlights African American j...
Season 1
Episode 7

Andy & Jon Help Toss These Songs from our Manifesting Love Playlist
When you listen to songs long enough you are bound to manifest thoughts and feelings of those songs. And that’s what we want to be careful of.Today we are talking to longtime musical friends, Andy McCarthy and Jonathan Holmes who created...
Season 1
Episode 6

Ben Sargent - How To Do Things Your Way
We wrap up our 3 part conversation with a look behind the scenes to see what motivates Ben’s visionary ways. You might want to take notes on this one. Rebelling against parents, thriving on wild failures so you come out with great stories is a ...
Season 1
Episode 5

Ben Sargent Surfs the Changing Waves of Life
Who inspired me to surf? A wildly creative college friend, Ben Sargent. We discuss how the exhilaration of surfing echoes the way he runs businesses, creates art, and moves through life.Listen in on his secrets to succe...
Season 1
Episode 5

Heather Maguire Explains the Magic of Intuition
Heather Maguire, The Unconventional Intuitive, speaks with Emily about:Feeling Your IntuitionThe Magical Storage Unit How to Recenter on Your PathHandling BlocksCheck out Heather's workshops and Facebook...
Episode 3